Always growing and learning

Iā€™m always open to growing and learning, but sometimes I need a little inspiration so I joined a photography meet up with the San Diego Photography Group. The focus of this meet up was long exposure in the evening. I learned a bit more about controlling my ISO to avoid the dreaded noise (little fuzzy dots in the photo) while maintaining a sharp focus. It was also great to get out there and meet other local photographers shooting for pleasure. All in all, a very fun evening and learned some insider tips on local places to shoot too!

Sunset at the San Diego Embarcardero

Sunset at the San Diego Embarcardero

San Diego Embarcadero

San Diego Embarcadero

San Diego City Hall

San Diego City Hall

Water Fountains at San Diego City Hall

Water Fountains at San Diego City Hall

Star of India Merchant Ship

Star of India Merchant Ship


Every day is a new perspective


Fast photo shoot at the zoo