Home is where my story begins…

Tomorrow I begin my journey across the United States so I guess it’s fitting to post a few photos from around my home in San Diego. Spider webs and butterflies, a few things I have loved my whole life, so here are a few from around the yard. I’ll miss San Diego while I’m gone as I do love it here so much.

Many people have asked why I making this trip so I thought maybe I’d try my best to explain the reasons. My mother was stricken with malignant melanoma the last three years. She fought like hell, but this past February the melanoma hit her spinal cord and within a few weeks of the initial symptoms, she was completely incapacitated and needing 24 hour care. I stepped into this role, albeit unequipped for what I was facing. In the end, my mom lost her battle with cancer April 21, 2019, Easter Sunday. She was strong of mind and determined to make her own decisions until the very end. She was an inspiration to many and a true warrior!

After my mother’s death I was finally able to look up for a minute and realize I still had a mountain in front of me. So much to do and I knew there was no way I could return to my job before my family leave ran out. Sadly, I had to resign my position. As sad as it was, this left me with the gift of time. Time to calm my shell shocked brain and time to reevaluate which direction I wanted my life to go. So began the questions.

Do I sell mom’s house, rent, or keep it and live in it? Mom’s wish was for Mike and me to move back to Hawaii and live in the house. Such an intriguing idea! Is this even possible? This blog would go on for 10 pages listing all the pros and cons of each of these decisions, but bottom line is, what do I want and what does Mike want? What is the best choice given all the variables? Most know how much we love San Diego and most know how much we love Hawaii. It’s just so hard to make a decision!

After taking care of all the necessary things one has to do when a loved one passes, such as the memorial arrangements, will distribution, bills, changing utilities, and a much needed rest, I found a house sitter and came home to San Diego, but with a few plans. One, change directions with my job and two, take a trip, a very long trip.

Changing jobs. I’ve been in corporate Purchasing since about 1986. Although I’ve loved my career, I’ve always felt like a square peg in a round hole. Raised by a hippies, so I’m going to blame them, lol. I’m not sure if I have ever fit into the corporate American culture and over the years I’ve had people actually tell me this. As hard as I’ve tried, I could never disengage my feelings. My nature is to be kind, fair, and honest; sometimes this can be a challenge in a corporate setting. That’s not to say the vast majority of folks are not just this: kind, fair and honest and with some of those folks I have made life-long friends. However, after 30 years, I think it may be time to just throw in the towel and try something new. Maybe I should turn something I love into a new career, photography. I have no idea how I’m going to do this, but I’m starting to put things in place to give it a go!

Long trip. Since I’m not going to be working in the traditional sense, chained to my desk Monday through Friday and some weekends, I think maybe I’ll have more flexibility with time. Well, especially now, since I’m just starting out. Plus, I really need to get away from Hawaii and San Diego for objectivity about the house as well as giving myself time to heal. And there are so many family and friends I’d love to see, so why not just jump in my new Honda and head out! Take a long trip around the United States! Yes!

Tomorrow I’m leaving on this grand adventure and headed North. I’ll be back home in San Diego by November with a decision on the house in Hawaii. I think I counted something like 26-30 states I’m traveling through so maybe I’m passing your way! I’d love to book a few photography sessions on my trek, so please contact me! Also, take a peek at my blog often as plan to document my journey photographically 📸

Spiderwebs in the morning light

Spiderwebs in the morning light

Overnight spiderweb creation in the morning mist.

Overnight spiderweb creation in the morning mist.

Gulf fritillary butterfly on a passion flower.

Gulf fritillary butterfly on a passion flower.

Spiderweb tea

Spiderweb tea

The journey begins…  Taking mom’s ashes with me and will place a little by her mom, my grandma, in Gates, NC and little in Miami when I get there.

The journey begins… Taking mom’s ashes with me and will place a little by her mom, my grandma, in Gates, NC and little in Miami when I get there.


September 25, 2019 - Water is essential


Morning on Coronado Island