October 18 to 19 - New York City

How lucky am I to have family with connections to New York City? When my sister Maya offered to buy tickets to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for us I jumped at the chance. I did have to slightly revise my travel schedule, but how could I turn it down? It’s a chance of a lifetime to have a personal guide to the city as well as to these two American landmarks. If you have never been to NYC, or the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, add it to your list at the top. You’ll thank me!

We started our trip with brisk walk though the city to attend a prior appointment Maya had, then a lovely Autumn carriage ride through Central Park, followed by attending a squash tournament Maya’s father David was in at the New York Athletic Club. We had a delicious meal at the club with David, his wife Eileen, and a friend, then settled in at David and Eileen’s home in the evening.

The next morning I managed to get up before everyone to take sunrise photos on the roof of David and Eileen’s home. They live on the top floor of an apartment building in Greenwich Village in Manhattan with views for days and a lovely field of succulents to enjoy. Yes, a field growing right on a roof in Manhattan. It’s spectacular, sweet, and homey all at once. I’m grateful for their hospitality for offering their home for the evening.

David, Sky and I took a quick trip to the Farmer’s Market, then Maya, Sky and I had a lovely breakfast with Maya’s sister Carrie (kicking myself for neglecting to take a photo!), then off to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. All in all a fantastic trip which has really has been an anchor point to this whole journey. Already miss my New York family terribly!

This was me the whole time, running after Maya and Sky. I’m a notoriously slow walker (so they tell me), and Maya is a speed demon. They even tried to help me by carrying my gear, but to no avail.

This was me the whole time, running after Maya and Sky. I’m a notoriously slow walker (so they tell me), and Maya is a speed demon. They even tried to help me by carrying my gear, but to no avail.

In the big city now.

In the big city now.

Sky’s beautiful lock’s.

Sky’s beautiful lock’s.

The edge of Central Park. I suppose I should know the significance of this statue.

The edge of Central Park. I suppose I should know the significance of this statue.

Sky relaxing on our carriage ride.

Sky relaxing on our carriage ride.

New Yorkers enjoy the respite from the city in Central Park. Where nature meets the skyline.

New Yorkers enjoy the respite from the city in Central Park. Where nature meets the skyline.

And boulders to play on.

And boulders to play on.

View from the carriage ride.

View from the carriage ride.

New York Athletic Club, established 1868. I’m not sure of the history, but I think this location was established in 1927.

New York Athletic Club, established 1868. I’m not sure of the history, but I think this location was established in 1927.

View near the entrance. Love the detail of the architecture.

View near the entrance. Love the detail of the architecture.

We should all strive to be David when we grow up. He’s the guy in the white shorts up in front and he’s 80. Crazy great shape!

We should all strive to be David when we grow up. He’s the guy in the white shorts up in front and he’s 80. Crazy great shape!

Maya and I on the rooftop of the club.

Maya and I on the rooftop of the club.

Sunset peeking through the high-rises.

Sunset peeking through the high-rises.

NYC cabby. I’m not sure why I think this is cool, but I do. I felt like I needed to confess something, but held back.

NYC cabby. I’m not sure why I think this is cool, but I do. I felt like I needed to confess something, but held back.

Early morning sunrise from David and Eileen’s roof.

Early morning sunrise from David and Eileen’s roof.

Sunrise from the rooftops.

Sunrise from the rooftops.

David and Elieen’s rooftop cottage. It’s an oasis in the city, complete with a lovely field of succulents. This is the upper floor, with the main living space below.

David and Elieen’s rooftop cottage. It’s an oasis in the city, complete with a lovely field of succulents. This is the upper floor, with the main living space below.

Mockingbird singing its morning song.

Mockingbird singing its morning song.

Not sure, maybe a Ruby Crowned Kinglet?

Not sure, maybe a Ruby Crowned Kinglet?

Pretty mockingbird in the morning light.

Pretty mockingbird in the morning light.

When spending time with the older generation they tend to nonchalantly throw out little facts. On our walk to the farmer’s market, David pointed out this was Timothy Leary’s office for the League for Spiritual Discovery back in the day. What?! I’m o…

When spending time with the older generation they tend to nonchalantly throw out little facts. On our walk to the farmer’s market, David pointed out this was Timothy Leary’s office for the League for Spiritual Discovery back in the day. What?! I’m over here walking by hippie history?

In every big city everywhere, the strange mix of old and new.

In every big city everywhere, the strange mix of old and new.

Maya and Sky on the subway platform.

Maya and Sky on the subway platform.

Waiting for the subway to the ferry.

Waiting for the subway to the ferry.

Ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Not the best photo imo. Skyline from the ferry.

Not the best photo imo. Skyline from the ferry.

There she is! How cool, right? Something I’ve only seen in books, movies and TV, standing right there in front of me.

There she is! How cool, right? Something I’ve only seen in books, movies and TV, standing right there in front of me.

As the photos below will attest, I kind of was rather enamored.

As the photos below will attest, I kind of was rather enamored.

These photos were all taken from ferry.

These photos were all taken from ferry.

Boat dock on the island.

Boat dock on the island.

Canadian immigrants. Just can’t understand why they keep flocking over our boarders!

Canadian immigrants. Just can’t understand why they keep flocking over our boarders!

Photos taken on the island.

Photos taken on the island.

I supposed I like this one the best.

I supposed I like this one the best.

Sky checking out a piece in the museum. I missed the best shot when he had his head up her nose, lol. Little boys…

Sky checking out a piece in the museum. I missed the best shot when he had his head up her nose, lol. Little boys…

Ellis Island. Many a weary traveler found this to be their first stop providing food, medical assistance, and if everything was in order, a new life in a new land.

Ellis Island. Many a weary traveler found this to be their first stop providing food, medical assistance, and if everything was in order, a new life in a new land.

First stop, the entry hall to process your papers and receive a medical check.

First stop, the entry hall to process your papers and receive a medical check.

This is one of the original benches which you can sit in and imagine what it was like to immigrate to America through Ellis Island from 1862 to 1954. A little bit of our history I’m glad I saw. Thank you Maya.

This is one of the original benches which you can sit in and imagine what it was like to immigrate to America through Ellis Island from 1862 to 1954. A little bit of our history I’m glad I saw. Thank you Maya.

Sky on waiting for the ferry back to NYC. To be young again…

Sky on waiting for the ferry back to NYC. To be young again…

New York City skyline from the ferry.

New York City skyline from the ferry.


October 20 to 23 - Porter Corner's, New York


October 12 to 20 - Saugerties, New York