October 24 - Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

My trip from Porter Corner’s New York to Front Royal, Virginia was a long one, but considering I went through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia to get there, I was surprised at how quickly the miles passed. I left New York in the morning, stopped in Kingston, NY to say goodbye again to Susan, and was in Front Royal, VA by sunset. Amazing!

The next morning I entered through the north entrance of Shenandoah National Park and proceeded down Skyline Drive along the Blue Ridge Mountains on the Appalachian Trail. Even writing this is emotional. Such profound American history I passed though! Some of you may know the Appalachian Trail runs north from Maine all the way south to Georgia and I’ve been fortunate to hike along portions in multiple states. I’m sure I’m not the only one reading this that considers it a dream to hike the whole trail, though I’m afraid those days have passed for me. I’m happy now to hike any portion.

The highlight of Skyline Drive are the views and I could not have asked for a better day to enjoy them. Clear, cool, and you could see forever. Do wish I had an earlier start as I was faced with pretty intense light for photography. It was also just a bit early for full Autumn color, but after the stunning display in New York, I was hardly concerned. For those following my blog for travel tips, if you love stunning views this is the drive for you!!

In keeping with my goal of seeing waterfalls, I picked out a waterfall to hike to, Dark Hallow Falls. Okay, one thing to keep in mind about waterfalls, unless you’re starting at the bottom there is uphill hiking involved. I started at the top and took all my gear, because I did not want to leave it in the car. Well, fun, fun, fun, 1.5 miles round trip. I swear my back still hurts. It was pretty dry as far as waterfalls go, but did manage to capture a few photos. The three waterfall photos below are different sections, its a huge waterfall! On the way back up I was super happy to play tag team with an older couple. I’m still dubious if they were actually keeping an eye on me. If so, I was thankful!

I exited the park through highway 33 (I think) on the way to Lynchburg, Virginia. On the way out of the mountains I passed an old Appalachian home along with a small herd of cows. So cute, so I stopped for a photo. The home had been long abandoned, but made me think of the days when we used to refer to inhabitants of these Appalachian homes as “Hillbillies” and how happy I was that times had changed. No sooner had I thought this when I passed a larger inhabited home which was not much different than the one in the photo below. So, times have not changed for some. Really wanted to stop for a photo of this home too, but I didn’t out of respect.

It was a great, albeit short, trip to the park and I look forward to returning one day with Mike. I’d love to see more of the park, camp, maybe even take a canoe trip along Shenandoah River. Onward to Lynchburg, Virginia to see my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

Stunning views

Stunning views

The lovely and relaxing drive you’ll experience along Skyline Drive.

The lovely and relaxing drive you’ll experience along Skyline Drive.

More Stunning views.

More Stunning views.

Autumn colors just starting.

Autumn colors just starting.

As the motto goes, “Virginia is for Lovers.” Just adored this older couple and their affection for each other.

As the motto goes, “Virginia is for Lovers.” Just adored this older couple and their affection for each other.

More of the relaxing and gorgeous drive.

More of the relaxing and gorgeous drive.

Cabin rentals, I say yes!! I believe this cabin was in the Skyline area.

Cabin rentals, I say yes!! I believe this cabin was in the Skyline area.

Beginning of Dark Hallow Falls Trail. Deceptively flat, lol.

Beginning of Dark Hallow Falls Trail. Deceptively flat, lol.

Upper section that was visible from trail. Right about here I heard a loud crash that sounded like a canon.  It was a huge tree falling across a wooden platform. Scared me!!

Upper section that was visible from trail. Right about here I heard a loud crash that sounded like a canon. It was a huge tree falling across a wooden platform. Scared me!!

Middle section of falls visible from trail.

Middle section of falls visible from trail.

Lower Dark Hallow Falls.

Lower Dark Hallow Falls.

Old Appalachian home.

Old Appalachian home.

And the cute cows who clearly did not understand why I was not bringing them a treat.

And the cute cows who clearly did not understand why I was not bringing them a treat.


October 24 to 26, Lynchburg, Virginia and Blue Ridge Parkway


October 20 to 23 - Porter Corner's, New York