October 3 to 5 - Yellowstone

Finally getting back to the blog! Between spotty Internet service and, well, having too much fun, I’m behind. So, so much to share, and I’ll catch up as soon as I have a little down time coming up. Right now I’m leaving Battle Creek, Michigan and I’m on the way to Medina, New York. I’ve been having a blast seeing new places and giving love to family and friends.

My trip to Yellowstone was amazing! The park is huge and has so much to see and do. Mountains, wildlife, volcanic energy, gorgeous trees, and lakes, streams and waterfalls. Everything you could ask for in a National Park and more! I can’t wait to come back with Mike one day soon. I saved going to geysers like Old Faithful so we can go together.

Upon entering the park my plan was to go straight to the cabin, check in, drop off my bags, and go off and explore. Instead I was immediately greeted by a herd of elk. It’s rutting season and the male was quite interested on all his ladies. Of course I had to stop and grab my camera!

Next I was greeted by a herd of buffalo! I’ve said this below in the captions, but to MY utter surprise I saw herds of buffalo (bison)!! The mythical buffalo you heard and saw in photos is real! It was hard to believe my eyes seeing them so close you could hear them breathing, and crunching grass, and walking through wet marshy grass. It’s like a story book American fairytale. It brought tears to my eyes seeing this magical sight.

The Internet and cell service in Yellowstone was spotty at best. Recently the park service allowed five cell phone towers to be installed, however, the one by Lake Yellowstone had an osprey couple nesting on the tower and cute as this sounds, it really disrupted service. It’s funny how much I’ve adapted to the new world and suddenly did not know what to do. Out came the paper maps, land lines, radios for weather reports or front desk, non electronic reading material. I guess I needed the reminder!

The other unexpected thing was snow. I swear I checked the weather and it was clear. Out came the snow chains Mike gave me, road closures, delays, alternate plans. It all worked out in the end and really it was just a little blip. New lesson, learned how to put on snow chains with a lot of help from the Park Rangers.

So, I had to say goodbye to Yellowstone so quickly. It was a wonderful experience and one I’ll ever forget. So much more in front of me too. Next, I’m on the way to the Badlands. See you on in the web soon!

Arrived in Yellowstone National Park and immediately I was greeted by Elk.  I was so surprised to see animals right in plain sight so quickly as I expected to drive to the cabin and wander out from there.

Arrived in Yellowstone National Park and immediately I was greeted by Elk. I was so surprised to see animals right in plain sight so quickly as I expected to drive to the cabin and wander out from there.

It’s rutting season and the elk are looking for love.  You can hear elk bugling all over the park. It’s an amazing and eerily comforting sound in the middle of the night.

It’s rutting season and the elk are looking for love. You can hear elk bugling all over the park. It’s an amazing and eerily comforting sound in the middle of the night.

The chase is on!

The chase is on!

Stalking elk

Stalking elk

Didn’t catch her, but almost. I was thrilled to see this behavioral display!

Didn’t catch her, but almost. I was thrilled to see this behavioral display!

Hanging out of with some of his ladies.

Hanging out of with some of his ladies.

Then to my utter surprise I saw herds of buffalo (bison)!! The mythical buffalo you heard and saw in photos is real!

Then to my utter surprise I saw herds of buffalo (bison)!! The mythical buffalo you heard and saw in photos is real!

It’s was hard to believe my eyes seeing them so close you could hear them breathing, and crunching grass, and walking through wet marshy grass. It’s like a story book American fairytale.

It’s was hard to believe my eyes seeing them so close you could hear them breathing, and crunching grass, and walking through wet marshy grass. It’s like a story book American fairytale.

If it’s rutting season for the elk, maybe the same for the buffalo?

If it’s rutting season for the elk, maybe the same for the buffalo?

Canada geese flying low at sunrise on Lake Yellowstone.

Canada geese flying low at sunrise on Lake Yellowstone.

Frost. Those of you in the northern regions, please post more photos of snow and ice!  So fun to photograph and unless I take photos in my freezer, I just don’t have the chance often.

Frost. Those of you in the northern regions, please post more photos of snow and ice! So fun to photograph and unless I take photos in my freezer, I just don’t have the chance often.

Ice crystals in the snow giving a pretty bokeh effect.

Ice crystals in the snow giving a pretty bokeh effect.

Mud volcano’s near Lake Yellowstone.  I purposely did not go see geysers like Old Faithful.  I’m waiting for Mike to go with me, but these were on the side of the road. So much volcanic energy in Yellowstone and it makes for a spectacular visit.

Mud volcano’s near Lake Yellowstone. I purposely did not go see geysers like Old Faithful. I’m waiting for Mike to go with me, but these were on the side of the road. So much volcanic energy in Yellowstone and it makes for a spectacular visit.

Herd of buffalo with one getting a morning drink.

Herd of buffalo with one getting a morning drink.

Young males sparring.

Young males sparring.

Beautiful images abound all over the park. I hope Mike and I can come back soon.

Beautiful images abound all over the park. I hope Mike and I can come back soon.

Upper Yellowstone Falls in in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Adding a gorgeous waterfall to my waterfall series.

Upper Yellowstone Falls in in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Adding a gorgeous waterfall to my waterfall series.

Upper Yellowstone Falls in in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Upper Yellowstone Falls in in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

I was surprised by a couple that took my photo. So nice!!  They airdropped it to me.

I was surprised by a couple that took my photo. So nice!! They airdropped it to me.

Beautiful Trumpeter Swans.  I thought the ones in the water were white buoy’s, lol.

Beautiful Trumpeter Swans. I thought the ones in the water were white buoy’s, lol.

Drive back to Lake Yellowstone with snow lightly falling.

Drive back to Lake Yellowstone with snow lightly falling.

Lake Yellowstone Lodge in the evening.  Dinner was lovely.  Had locally sourced lamb and it was delicious!

Lake Yellowstone Lodge in the evening. Dinner was lovely. Had locally sourced lamb and it was delicious!

Lake Yellowstone Lodge early the next morning. Breakfast was locally sourced smoked salmon.

Lake Yellowstone Lodge early the next morning. Breakfast was locally sourced smoked salmon.

Well, I did not actually stay in the lodge above. Way too expensive! I opted for a more economical choice, this little cabin and I loved it!!

Well, I did not actually stay in the lodge above. Way too expensive! I opted for a more economical choice, this little cabin and I loved it!!

Male elk in the falling snow.

Male elk in the falling snow.

Lake Yellowstone early in the morning.

Lake Yellowstone early in the morning.

So, this is what the roads looked like when I went out in the morning.  I stopped for this photo and when I got back in the car to leave it started slipping and sliding so…

So, this is what the roads looked like when I went out in the morning. I stopped for this photo and when I got back in the car to leave it started slipping and sliding so…

This is me putting on chains.  Don’t be fooled!  There are six National Park Rangers standing behind me directing. Chains were required in order to drive to Cody, WY. Since I slipped around earlier, I believed it and installed them.

This is me putting on chains. Don’t be fooled! There are six National Park Rangers standing behind me directing. Chains were required in order to drive to Cody, WY. Since I slipped around earlier, I believed it and installed them.

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left.

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left.

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left. Take 2.

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left. Take 2.

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left. Yes, I repeat!!

Photos showing the stunning holiday greeting card beauty of the morning I left. Yes, I repeat!!

Road out of the park. If you have height concerns, this may not be the place for you to drive. Thankfully that’s not me, but the ice and snow did give me pause!

Road out of the park. If you have height concerns, this may not be the place for you to drive. Thankfully that’s not me, but the ice and snow did give me pause!


October 5 to 6 - Home, Home on the Range


October 2 and 3 - Drive from Washington State to Butte, MT to Yellowstone!